Laundry done, dinner in the oven, bedroom cleaned up, living room vacuumed, dishes done; and I hear the snoring of a husband's nap, the playing and jabbering of a 4 yr old while watching Lion King in his room, the pages turning of a book "Addicted" being read by a teenager.....and the keys of the laptop clicking to a blog. The aroma coming from the kitchen is causing the tummy to rumble......Citrus herb chicken and onion roasted potatoes in the oven! Nothing spectacular today but the comfort of a peaceful home and one full of love. It's nice just to sit and listen sometimes with no distractions of my own such as watching TV, etc. Though no one is talking to each other..........we are definitely in tune with what each are doing; checking in every once in awhile. The air conditioner just kicked on, and there goes the timer for the dinner........gotta go...DISTRACTED....be back after dinner!
Ok back after a small cup of chocolate ice cream.........yummmmmm! I haven't really even thought about those stupid cigs today; again another day and almost another week of accomplishments.............what's yours today? We all have them if we got out of bed, and if you didn't let me know and I'll add you to the prayer list.....we need each other; we want to know that others care enough to listen. I love to listen, much learning comes from it. I find the truth in people when I actually will listen clear down to the consonants and vowels; and watch their facial reactions. That saying, "that actions are louder than words"; a definite watchman verse.
Husband is talking.........I need to listen........now that is an accomplishment when I stop what I'm doing to take the time to listen to my husband about whatever he wants to talk about; because he is important to me so should what he has to say be also. Accomplishments are usually made without words.
.............open ears, listening hearts, and a shut mouth brings much wisdom!
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