I know that's a crazy title but let me tell you...I'm a believer now. So with our family's new journey and lifestyle change, I got a little discouraged when I started to feel pain in my lower back a few days ago. I blamed the new exercise routine because what else could it be? I rubbed my pain sites down with oils and that seemed to help. So night before last, I started having some sharp pains in my lower stomach. With having been diagnosed with endometriosis since I was a teenager, I chalked the pain up to that. Then I noticed I was having the feeling of needing to use the restroom more but not much coming out, even with all the increased water I have been drinking. Now mind you, I hadn't put all these together.
It was when the burn came that I went...ohhh no, I've got a UTI. I've had enough of these in my life to know the moment that uncomfortable feeling starts. How the heck can that be possible? My thoughts included but not limited to; I drink more water than ever now (about 16oz an hour at the least), I've removed sugar in my diet and so it can't be feeding on that, I know the whole regimen about sex and going to the bathroom after, what in the heck could it be that's causing this?
For the life of me, I didn't understand. I was so mad honestly because if you've ever experienced that pain...you know, it's a force that must be stopped. I made it up in my head; I'm going to have to go to the doctor and get prescription antibiotics...and well, that's exactly why I've changed our lifestyle. I don't want any more of those chemicals destroying more than they are helping. I don't have the money right this minute to go to the doctor or pay for meds; you know...because the flex account is dry 6 months into the year since they reduced the amount we are able to put in. I just knew I had to go because the pain is truly intolerable.
So I go on my little research hunt to see if there's anything I could do with what I had in the house to help me get by. I find all kinds of things, but nothing I have readily available in the house. Then I came across this article about baking soda, What? I thought to myself. No way...but wait, I do have some. It can't be that easy! Well, I did it.

I was scared honestly that his issues would still bother him until we got his gut healed. I know it's going to take time. 8 years of medications no less than 4 and as much as 27 pills a day is going to take some time to repair. So...I don't care if it doesn't help me, I've been given something cheap, easy, and helpful for Koda.
So laugh if you must at me; it's okay...laughter I think is the best medicine there is. :)
That's not the end of it though. Within 2 hours of drinking this concoction...I was relieved of the back pain, the burn of urinating, all of it was gone. I'm also happy to say this morning everything is flowing freely and properly without any pain whatsoever!
If you already knew this then that's great, and I'm jealous I didn't know sooner. It is what it is, right? The struggle is real for a newbie.
Thank you for commenting, laughing, sharing and most of all wishing you the best on Wellness Wednesday!
#drinklotsofwater #utisucks #noprescriptions #nodoctors #savemoney #bakingsodacures
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