So back to Day 8: Zoey, our dog they took (That story is here) and we aren't getting back failed her assessments, so she was put down. Day 8 was devastating to me, so pretty much nothing got done except lots of kleenex, cold washrags, and tears; that's enough about that.
From that moment on it's been like being in the passing lane at full speed as we're trying to find a gas station because we're about out of gas.
Day 9: Productivity started back up for the monkeys in my circus. Pay Day! Direct Deposit Happy Dance, LOL!! We started getting things out of here and into storage. We had to make some decisions before doing anything else to make sure the budget was up for all that needed to happen and that could possibly come up. So, we decided that we would be out of this house by the 1st so we didn't have to pay rent here and not have enough for another if we found one. (OMGolly...where are we going to go; we haven't got a house yet! Just one thought that came across my mind.) Uhh, was that the right thing to do; I don't know...but it is absolutely what we had to do. I mean our current landlords did tell us that if we moved out sooner than the end of July (oh yeah, because we are now getting an official 30 days to move letter on the 1st...ugh) that they would reimburse us that amount. So, for them...this is a good thing right? They're going to get it on the 1st! I've gotta find something good in it. So one week left to pack up and get out! We can do this!! That evening we were blessed with the presence of my youngest daughter and her fiancé. It was nice to have the company that I didn't have to entertain and could do what I needed to do.

Day 10: The daughter so kindly takes the other small sibling to the movies so we can go house hunting which I already mentioned above was a fail! Early evening we took a break from packing, etc to go to the hubby's work event called Family Fun Day at Eberly Farms. It was hot...thank God for pools! The hubby took part in the washer tournament with his partner in crime that also has a lame hand. Two men both hurt their prominent hands this week...they were out first round. :(
They had paintball targets, petting zoo, zip line, hay rides, barrel rides, playground, mini golf, unlimited popcorn, drinks and cotton candy, and most of all an amazing dinner including grilled chicken, pulled pork, potato salad, baked beans, chips, and ice cream. It made for a great evening with the family.
Day 11: All of us but the hubby and boy slept in until almost 10am. I haven't done that in a coon's age. I'm always usually up between 5-6 no matter what time I go to bed. I must have needed it. Woke up to the boys and trailer being gone with some big items missing from the living room. Wow, they loaded all that and I didn't hear a thing. My hubby is stealthy that way...ever so quite when doing anything; but how I didn't hear the kid is beyond me? Coffee was made; He loves me! After my "have to have it quiet time every morning" time...I started in on breakfast. The young adults rousted up at that time and the finance went running over to storage to see if he could help; quickly coming back as they were all done. We ate, chit chatted a bit, and the girl went through her stuff I was sending home (yes, every report card, drawing, paper, health records, pictures, every single thing I had kept for her since birth is out of here!!). Thankfully she brought his truck; she was loaded. :)
Day 12: Sent the kiddo to camp! We took another load to storage, went to get more boxes and mattress covers...and well just more packing, etc. Nothing exciting that I could post about today. I will say I'm questioning the house we'll hear about; only because it takes the kiddo away from getting to go to camp, his friends that he enjoys so much there, the respite I get from there (let's be honest here...I love respite). New schools (well he was going to have to go to a new school anyway but it would include people he already knew, and they were already prepared for him since we had the transition meeting back at the beginning of May). New neighbors, routes, business', routine, time traveling, wait, stop...I've not signed a lease yet! Breathe!

Thank you so much for the ones who call, message, and text checking on us when I'm socially quiet. I appreciate you all so much for caring enough to follow the journey, and I absolutely cannot wait to expose the Glory of God's perfect provisions. Every time He has made a way for us in some very crazy scenarios. We knew for a while we were headed to move; but He apparently wants it to be NOW!
Simply LOLA
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