Morning was going as normal...and the phone rings. I answer because I see it's the landlord. Conversation goes like this...
LL: Hi, how are you?
Me: Good, how are you?
LL: You got a minute to talk, we need to discuss something.
Me: Ok, yeah...(assuming that since I've known their house has been on the market for at least 2 months, it was to let me know their new address to mail the rent)
LL: We are giving you 30 days to move out. We sold our house and are going to be moving into your house.
Me: (thought: What?!?) Ok.
LL: It might be able to be stretched out to 45 days depending on the closing date, but we'll let you know. We have a property in Wichita (explains where it is) that is a bigger house, smaller yard for $1000 a month; (we pay $850 and struggle that) Would you like to see it? (thinking to self....still back on first statement; what?!? Is this really happening...ohh my, I've got APD, LOL!)
Me: I don't know, I'll have to talk to the hubby first
LL: I know this isn't news you wanted to hear.
Me: I'll let you know what the hubby says (because I can't even think at this point to talk about anything else)
Hang up.

WTH? God what are you doing? Yes, we've been processing moving...but uhm! We aren't in a lease, we ran out that and have been on month to month for 2 years now, so we really can't do anything.
Ok first off...when you have a special needs kid you don't just pick up and move without much research and questions. The conversation that must happen with the child for preparation and smooth transition. Ugh transition of one thing can be a huge deal; but this, might be more than one thing transitioning. The school district if we can't stay in this one, are we prepared to homeschool if it doesn't meet requirements? The emotional well being of the child, (I'll just say right here the landlord is in special education), the services offered in another county if we can't stay in this one. Wait, we need a deposit for the next house, we need to figure out traveling expenses for work if it's further than what we have now, the dogs...will we have to give them up? Uhm, is the hubby to find a different job altogether because this isn't where we're suppose to be, all these thoughts/questions/feelings!
I'm mad, I'm hopeful, I'm sad, I'm glad, I'm confused, I'm lost....rollercoaster, Let me off!!

Sure I want to be able to tell you ohhh I'm at peace because I know God has a plan (I do know this in my head), He's always provided a way before, He's always had the plan already set, blah, blah, blah. Well, to be honest, I'm a bit of a mess right now. A real mess actually...I don't know where we're going to live in 30 days, my future just got disrupted and it's out of my control. There is nothing I can do about it. I'm hurt that they didn't just move into the other house they offered us since it's just temporarily their home until what...a new house is built. Ugh! I'm mad that they didn't tell us a thing until now when they've had the house on the market for at least 2 months....ok, maybe they didn't know it would sell so quick or whatever. I'm thinking out loud here.

Here's the raw and real kicker for us...Hubby just lost all his OT (overtime this last month); that's money we depended on to live paycheck to paycheck. The reason I'm bringing up this; I know there's more than want to admit they struggle in this area whether it's priorities are not in line, health/medical expenses deplete it, living outside their budget, etc....all those things have been played out before in my personal life. My husband busts his rear to provide for this family and he does a fantastic job, but we choose to live the simple life. We don't have credit cards or live on credit, we literally use all of our funds to have a home, food, and the necessities of life. We literally trust God for the rest. He delivers every single time and shocks us a lot of the time. We're so thankful for His provisions. It's just in a mess right now. So...we don't have a deposit for another home at this moment. So if you look at your current circumstance; like I'm doing right now...panic attack headquarters!! In this moment, we're going to be homeless.

I write this only because I know there will be another miracle story to tell at the end of this 30 days. Wait and see! God showed us that when we moved here 3 years ago...He'll do it again. Last time, it was a job offer the hubby couldn't refuse and we moved within 30 days to a whole other town 3 hrs away. Now it's a out of our control type scenario. Here goes the watch and see...I'm going to write the current struggle and provisions down everyday and share them with the world to prove God is faithful every time.
I'm just a simple girl trying to live out this life the best I can. Praying this brings hope to someone else. For this is the reason I live; to help another!
(for those who know the past story...East is still so ever strong; as much as to say, we didn't follow through with the original here's our chance to get it right. I'm turning back to Gideon again as well.)
This one...lately I've had a multitude of breakthroughs in different areas; New Season here we come!! |
Simply Lola
(forgive the grammar, etc. I'm not even in the mood to check it)