Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 15-18 God will move you...(Moving Days)

Wow! Amazing...I just can't describe how blessed and overflowing my heart is today to post these last couple of days.

Day 15: We got Ozzy back (catch up link for this story click here)!

Day 16: Moving Day...we were blessed by two coworkers of the hubby's who showed up after working all night to help us move with their trucks & trailers. I was the first load out, so I was hauling the Uhaul trailer. Can I tell you how sick to stomach I got? Ugh...the trailer was so perfectly packed and every inch utilized (my hubby is a pro at stacking, etc) that the weight caused me to max out speed at 40mph. If I went over that, the trailer would fish tail all over the place, and to not help matters...it was pouring down rain. I was a nervous wreck! I called hubby right after I got on the highway; almost expecting him to rescue me from completing this mission for him to tell me to just slow down to what I felt comfortable with. Ugh! I don't think I've ever went below speed limit before; and to be at the minimum...I was a bit humiliated but that didn't last long. Koda and I enjoyed singing and viewing the scenery thru the wiper blades going full blast. Mr K got right out there after his bike had arrived to explore our cul-de-sac. First night in the house was really nice!

#nogirlslivehere Neighbor girl's roller skates!
Day 17: Migraine morning...I went back to bed. Then Hubby came & woke me up; we cried because there was a knock on the door. A neighbor girl had come to ask if our kid could come out to play and shoot fireworks with her family. This is a day I've only dreamed about. He had such a friend when he was in Kindergarten but the friend moved away and now about to start 5th grade...he's ready for this too. Later that day the entire neighborhood was in our home along with their roller skates, etc. Running back and forth, opening/closing doors, it was a beautiful sight. I didn't realize how much I missed this from when the girls were at home. The neighbors across the street even came over, introduced themselves, and sat in our driveway conversing until late that night. Nice!

Day 18: I've kept the details of the previous days short only because I knew that this one could potentially become detailed and long. As I write this my heart has never been so full. The typical family takes social understanding, playtime, and friendships for granted; tho they never mean to it's just not their experience. Can I tell you how bad it really sucks to watch your child (mine will at least initiate...many don't do that) be rejected because they don't read social cues, be bullied because they aren't as mature as their peers, to be made fun of because of their different interests, to be stuck behind electronics for some type of play just so they can somehow relate? It's heartbreaking, it's a time in which drains a parent because the child needs sooooo much additional attention due to these friendship deficits.

Our son attends a special camp for kids with all ranges of diagnosis' so for one, he can have some type of peer interaction but also so us parents can have some type of respite or daycare. We parents cannot keep ourselves afloat if we are at the constant need of our deserving kids. Even atypical parents need breaks, time to date a spouse, time to self, etc. So please don't throw out judgmental thoughts when I say I need respite even tho I'm a stay at home mom...it's because of that (stay at home) that I need it. There's no breaks.

Here's the beautiful thing though...18 days ago we were distraught not knowing what the future would hold for us or him. We had to move without a choice, and I said watch and see God make a way. He made provisions within 13 days, and despite that I was scared of those. The way was still so uncertain when it comes to having a child with special needs. Transition is hard for him and us. We left a county that all his benefits ran through for HBCS (Home Based Community Services). What we're we going to do with him if the next county doesn't have such services like we were getting at Rainbows? Camp for summer and weekend respite...I'm going to go crazy without it!

But this happened...God's plan is so amazingly above all we ask or can even think. God has blown my mind yet again. So we move, here we are 4 days in...and I can say; "I don't think we need camp"!! I might want a date night with hubby or even a Saturday respite...and I'm sure just as all this other has been fulfilled...this will too. See it's because of this video below that I am not going to be drained from entertaining him everyday. He's being drained by the 14 kids within 3 houses of us (8 of which would be considered in a peer group). He went to bed tonight saying "I'm worn out because I played hard today". He isn't asking for the Ipad, he's asking to go ride his bike and play. Our 4th of July couldn't be a bigger celebration. Happy Birthday America! Happy #cherrytribe #autism #quirksaccepted Days ahead!

The first picture with the book...is one that I found while unpacking. This special gift was sent to me by a dear friend Avayd when we left KC about this time 3 years ago to live in Valley Center for hubby's new job. I find it not a coincidence that it just happened to grab my attention yet again today. A re-read might just be in my plans. By the way, this house couldn't be anymore "me" as it has built in bookshelves for my library, built in china cabinet for my willow tree collection, etc. #itsthelittlethings #finallyhappyagain I'm going to continue out this 30 days of God will move you because somehow I just don't think He's done yet. :) Hope you all had a safe and wonderful 4th of July.

Simply LOLA

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