As if the craziness of all that has happened in the last 19 days wasn't enough...My only adult, responsible, mature monkey of the home (because I quit adulting a long time ago #adultingisoverrated) decides to come home and tell me; he changed jobs. What!?! Ok, do you all remember the financial struggle that I've been posting about? I don't think he reads these blogs after all...he just comments to support me because he's great at that. Anyway...yes, he starts a new job on Monday. Now let me clear this part up; he's staying with the same company (whew!). But here's the crazy...

Listen, this man has been an excellent provider and always looking out for the best interest of our family. He has continued to the top of most pay scales out there for his profession. He makes over and beyond what he ever thought he could. He holds at a very high level the accomplishment for himself especially after the childhood he endured, the choices he made when dropping out of school, and the things told to him by the adults in his life. To many we are rich and to many more we are poor. It's all in perspective, attitude, and priorities. Again the reason I cover the financial part of our lives in these blogs (I'd rather not because it really can be embarrassing, humbling, and down right doesn't feel good) is because there's somebody reading that needs to feel known. Now with the bragging done...let me tell you about FEAR/SCARED TO DEATH "feelings" that I have. I trust him but I trust in God even more, so guess what he'll have 10 days of training and then goes out on his own as a driver then it'll be at least 14 more days before we know what that paycheck is gonna look like. Holding my breath, I'd be lying if I didn't admit this fear.
Really, right now we have to throw this into the loop of circus events??? Would you wanna kill him? Is this even ok? Yes, because if he didn't; he would've walked out of his position all together (We CANNOT have that)....and rightfully so. I won't go into the details of what's going on there at work because well it benefits no one and something I might say publicly could be taken wrong... I wouldn't want to jeopardize his employment. This company has been awesome to work for all the way around; it's just that the management that brought him in from KC is now gone.'s the positive news:

Watch those turtles roar!
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