He really has stepped up beyond the necessary! |
enjoying the weekend with my daughter and son-in-law, I turned back from the
front seat of the car to look at her, and I experienced the greatest pain (what
I would call a pulled tendon) behind my left eye. Immediately my vision was
impaired, but I didn’t realize how much until I tried to read anything
containing words/letters. We had arrived back home, and when I went to follow a
recipe for dinner found that I couldn’t read the instructions. The pressure had
built and the pain increased over the next couple days and with my ever so
restricted vision, I called the optometrist first thing Monday morning. The one
I originally go to couldn’t get me in until Dec. 7th. I tried to
research another, with much frustration because I couldn’t see to look for such
online. My introduction to using Google voice search began. I was able to get
the info & have it even call the number for me. WOW, technology really
helped me out in a desperate situation. This doctor was able to get me in that
day, so I went. I was able to drive, but not read signs, etc. Everything was so
distorted and blurry, with that said; I have always had astigmatism and I was
just assured that was part of the reason along with knowing from the last eye
glass prescription that I was soon headed for bifocals. Hello 40’s…just one of the
many developments is enough but it seems they tend pop up their ugly heads unexpectedly.
Let’s just say I didn’t realize how many things have words/letters nor how much
one “reads” throughout the day.
testing came back with a definite need for bifocals but that wasn’t the issue
that caused me to sit behind those different lens’ that day. One test, led to
another, and yet another. The final one printed out a picture of my optic nerve
which showed severe inflammation, so the Dr. started asking other questions
about my gate/walk, dizziness, fatigue, muscles, etc. I explained some things
that had been going on (that I never really took as a need of concern). He
said, you are showing all the signs of MS (Multiple Sclerosis), and this
inflammation is one of those…so I need to order an MRI ASAP so we can get you
on some steroids for the inflammation. My first thought…I know what steroids do
to me, and I AIN’T (English majors please rest as I did that on purpose) doing
it because the side effects outweigh the benefits. He asked who my PCP (Primary
Physician) was, and I wanted to answer Jesus…but I didn’t. I said, I don’t have
one since we moved. I’ve had no reason to go to the doctor, so I never
established one. He looked at me in a weird way, then asked who I would like to
attain as one because he needed that to order the MRI. I just said, who do you
suggest? I don’t know. He referred me, and even called that doctor to see if he
could take new patients, etc. I’m pretty impressed with the care, detailed, and
bedside manners of this optometrist. He came back with the info that I needed
to stop by this other doctor’s office to pick up the new patient paperwork. I
laughed, how the heck am I going to be able to read it to fill it out. I got
the requirements done with the help of the receptionist, so the MRI got
ordered. The possibility of being diagnosed with MS didn’t scare or concern me
in any manner…it would have explained some things and I knew that it was just
another story of God’s glory to be revealed.
soon as I got home I wanted to research all about it but couldn’t. That right
there has been the most frustrating of circumstances because that’s just what I
do. I read, research, and read some more about all things pertaining to human
life because I love it. The part that hurt me the most was when I would go to
grab my Bible, open it, and almost cry because I couldn’t read it. My ever so
loving husband was greatly concerned with the news, and was ever so patient
with me while after a hard day’s work would come home to a wife needing answers…so
he’d research the topics for me. This is so NOT his thing. I am so privileged
to have such as blessing as him. He posted on my social media to give people a
heads up of what was going on, answered people’s questions until it got to be
too much (I’ve still got like 40+ FB messages unread at the time of this). I’m
not ignoring you, I just don’t have the visual ability to read any of it.
Matters of fact, I wouldn’t be writing this without it being zoomed at 500% and
using voice to text.Thank
you, thank you all whom have been so concerned, in prayer, called, texted &
messaged to find out the updates…I love you! There is no doubt that I am loved.
I went
for the MRI. Thank you for those whom prayed for that as I’m highly claustrophobic
and IV sticks are the worst for me. I prepared though by making sure I was
overly hydrated (hello toilet we are friends) and drowned myself in all that
makes me calm & happy. Your prayers along with these added precautions…the
IV went in on the first stick, and I fell asleep in the MRI so it can’t get any
calmer than that. (They didn’t have any of the cool added technology like I’ve
seen at other hospitals, fans, earbuds, movies to watch while in there, etc.,
so it was just me and that loud banging long donut).
wait…the waiting room whether at home or in the office seems to be the most
time wasted in life. Waiting on results, waiting for a test, waiting for the
appointment that was supposed to be 30 mins ago, waiting on the nurse, waiting
on the doctor, waiting, waiting, and more waiting. Today (Wednesday, November
22, 2017) was supposed to be when I went to the new doctor to establish care
& get the results of the MRI (that I found out yesterday was completed and
read on Nov. 16th)…I growl a little. They called me yesterday to say
the dr. is leaving town for the holiday and I’ll need to be rescheduled until
Monday, Nov 27th. I growled a little more and increased my volume at
this response, asking if anyone could at least give me the results. They said
they hadn’t seen the report nor that I was even in the hospital system. I
called the eye dr. next. He quickly got off the phone to find out what was
going on. He called me back directly from his cell phone, first saying he
apologized the hospital had not yet delivered the report but that it had indeed
been completed since the 16th. He let me know that I have some
issues that was detected by the MRI & that could very well along with the
need for a new eyeglass prescription be the cause of my vision loss and
distortion. I will need to see the other doctor for that, but that I do NOT
have MS!!! Thank you God! Thank you for your faithful prayers! I’ll keep you
updated as this progresses with the other information I received.
I have
had moments of restored vision enough to text my daughters or husband, but only
moments. Thankfully the pain has dissolved, but the pressure is still there if
I try to read too much. The strain to focus on reading really does cause much
discomfort. I miss reading, and had recently discovered Audible thru Amazon
& love it, but let me say that I’ve yet to find any audible bible versions
where the narrator wasn’t horrible to listen to. Good grief, if they believe He
sounds like that…they don’t know my God. He has a personality, laughs, and has
emotions. Those people are “BORING”!
until I get new glasses (which I won’t be retested until Tuesday, Nov. 28th
& given the prescription) I am going to continue to limit my online
presence on social media. I will not be attending to FB messenger for sure, so
if you have a message for me then please either send a message to Rick or send
me a text & he’ll read it when he is home…or you are free to call me too (I
cannot call you back unless I have a moment clear vision…or until I can get my “not
so smart phone” to call you using voice. I’m trying to get that to work.) I have so much that I can't wait to share about this journey already.
Thanksgiving! Release the bitterness, envy, strife, un-forgiveness, and pride…Enjoy
and love on those crazy family members, and don’t miss the opportunity to share
the Good News of Jesus & Freedom through Salvation because there might not
be another moment for such. Time is short and unpredictable. You are so
appreciated and loved beyond measure.