If you go back and read day 1, you almost wouldn't believe the words in which I'm about to write. That is unless you have faith in God: Jehovah-jirah (The Lord who Provides) that delivers every single time and usually over and beyond what one can imagine. And so it is...here I am giving God the glory for all that He has abundantly blessed us with over the last 29 days. He did it just like I said. He had a plan and we walked it out in full trust of His purpose. Now we're all benefitting from the move.
Here's some detailed benefits in which only mean something to me/us that has happened. I've mentioned some of these before in past posts, but I thought to see them all listed out might give a visual to all that God has done that was "not" in the necessities list of the new place...these are now truly luxuries!
1. I've been wanting a tub for so long that was truly big enough to "soak" in, not one where my knees or other body parts had to be out of the water. I got that along with jets!!
2. We've been needing a second bathroom for some time; as our son and I had the same "internal clock". No matter what I did; every single day...we had to go at the same time. We've got that extra toilet now.
3. Just for the safety, I wanted a basement but not as much as our son. He wanted to make sure we were safe from tornados since we do live in Kansas...he didn't want to go to Oz. I'd been fine with some ruby slippers, traveling especially in a hot air balloon, and to find friends while walking along the yellow brick road. Ohh and I find some excitement in the thought of running from flying monkeys...but that all didn't happen; God seen fit to give us a basement. A basement with storage shelves, a gutted basement so that we could either put the 3 bedrooms back in place or make it our own.
4. Our financial situation was looking really grim with the payments we were making before since I wasn't working. He supplied a bigger home for cheaper rent...$250 a month cheaper. We asked for time to figure out if this is really where we want to be since this house is for sale. I didn't want to be kicked out if it sold, so they put the house on pending and gave us a 6 month lease. Now the thought of possibly moving again in 6 months makes me sick! I have a "feeling" we're here for good. We have the option to buy/rent to own on January 1st. Since I've been in realty, escrow/title, closing business most of my career...I'm comfortable doing a owner finance until we can borrow for ourselves; we know what we need to do.
5. Everywhere else we've rented has always had white/off white walls and no painting allowed. Here, every room is a different color...and guess what? Our decor matches perfectly...imagine that. Would I have picked these colors? Probably not, but it will work for now and anything is better than white! I even have a butterfly wall decoration that never went with anything else, but my husband bought it for me and I wasn't getting rid of it. It looks beautifully in the bathroom next to the jet tub...in which, the decor says "believe". :) The littlest things make me smile, and proves God cares about the finest of details.
6. The back yard is complete with a privacy fence. Here's the little details...the yard is split with a fort already in place for our kiddo. The split gives us a place to separate the dog from visitors if needed or kids for that matter. Hallelujah! Along with that...out in the corner of the yard is a triangular wood patio...big enough for our table and chairs, the zero gravity chair, and the BBQ grill.
7. The master closet at first look was a real turnoff to me but wow...I've fit so much in there because of the masterminds whom designed it. Shelving and hooks all around have made this one happy lady.
8. I've always loved to be in the kitchen, but have found that love diminish over the years because of having such small kitchens. Not small to a lot of people, but after having bigger ones in the past; I've been spoiled in that way; spoiled again now. I've baked three loaves of different bread this week. Just waiting on payday to get more ingredients, so I can fill the house with the baking aromas. This kitchen has so many cabinets...that everything has it's spot! Glorious!! We have a built in china cabinet and coffee bar cabinet....ohhh Heaven on Earth! I don't need all those what-knot shelves anymore or a makeshift pantry out of an old bookcase (I'll be selling those if we end up buying).
9. The kid has friends. Now I will say that since most of the neighborhood is girls that limits his play with the boys, but we have one that shows up at our door everyday; and would live here if we let him. Except when he wants to go home to play video games...we don't do that here, but we have Netflix and he thinks that is pretty awesome. Now the trampoline is up, the fort out back, and bikes...I try to get them outside as much as possible. This is one of the most beautiful things and the most delightful out of all the list. We as parents couldn't be more thrilled.
Since we have moved here, the kiddo has lost all services that were available to us in Sedgwick County. He can't go back to summer camp, and we don't get weekend day respite. Now that would have been horrifying...but it's not now because he is getting to play with the neighborhood kids. He hasn't even asked to go to camp. I've not felt the need for respite. I will be getting hooked into direct services soon so that dad and I can have a date night tho. That's one of the most important things I've ever discovered in the years of marriage; time to ourselves.
10. My awesome spouse has his man cave. He is ecstatic about the basement because all my "gotta save it" stuff doesn't have to take up his territory. He is having a blast with organizing, planning, dreaming, and storing his toys. Not just a garage but a shop...4 cars would fit comfortably in there. Now that he changed positions...all those work tools came home; uhm...he has a shirt that says that he owns tools worth more than your new car (that's the truth). We couldn't be happier as this is the exact size we would've built if we didn't already have it now.
11. We are on in a cul-de-sac...low traffic and the kids are safe to play out in the street without too much worry.
12. We can walk to the end of the street, and be at the mini-lake or big pond if you want to call it that; there's some nice fish in there. It didn't take long for the boys to try that out. We are only 12 miles from the actual lake...uhm, a hop, skip and jump compared to what we've done before to go to the lake. This in itself is something that we wanted for retirement was to be by the lake...hummm? Are we at our retirement house? Ohhh wouldn't that be a blessing...never to move again!
13. The kiddo will be in elementary another year here (so many other places move on to a intermediate school in-between elementary and middle school. I find this to be another blessing only because as we all know that the best of friends are made in elementary, and it's easier to transition to another building/school if you have went to school with kids in the past. He's excited because another year of recesses. That's important!
14. I have a built in book shelf that holds all my books! That'll be some more shelving to be sold.
15. I have an enclosed back porch with french doors. The windows in the french doors have those internal blinds...no dusting...that is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! It makes for a nice place to have the deep freeze, etc. We have other ideas for it if we buy it though.
None of this is bragging because this house needs so much work to make it complete, but what we've got here is God showing us that he cares about our interest down to the minor details. I know that listing all that is wrong with it wouldn't bring benefit to anyone anyway...it's finding the good in it all. It's seeing our glass is not only half full but truly overflowing. We have been showered upon!
This...I've always been a "goer" and get depressed really easy if I can't get out of the house. It's a feeling of "stuck" that I can't stand. Being down to one vehicle...I've been in this house without leaving for a week now; I'm doing fabulous. I have so much fun just "keeping house", relaxing in my yard, daydreaming of all I want to do, and watching the kids play. I don't know if I'll stay this content, almost assured that's not possible, but for now; sweet serenity is what I'm in. Thank you God for your provisions beyond anything I could've dreamed up myself. I dream pretty big!
Ohhh and don't let me forget...hubby was given a car today; we'll pick it up on Sunday. A car...that will be used to save on gas for hubby to go to work. It frees up the other vehicle so the kid and myself can go if wanted/needed. See...the 30 days isn't over and He has provided EVERYTHING and beyond!!
So if you've ever wanted to have such provisions or have questioned believing in God, Jesus, or anything...let this give you some hope to "try" Him out; He will let you. He gives us free will to make that decision because He loves us that much. If you have any questions about such faith; please feel free to email me, comment, pm on Facebook, whatever. I'm here for you and to share my faith for those who are interested. No I am far from a religious person; I don't belong to any denominations, etc.

I can only hope you find Truth for yourself through my pilgrimage. This site consists of the transformational stories, adventures, and stepping stones in my life. A true diary of love, heartache, accomplishments, failures, faith, hope, patience, marriage, parenting, concerns, and just life in general.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Day 25-29:God will move you...Sweet Serenity and Jehovah-jirah
house buying,
special needs,
wizard of oz
Monday, July 11, 2016
Day 20-24: God will move you...(ohhh so well)
I'm going to bed tonight feeling so blessed. I'm well in Wellington and so happy to have been yanked out of Valley (center). I looked up the definition to well and valley...and as you can see below everything seems so positive with well and negative with valley; as it was with me emotionally, spiritually, physically,
1.Well...in a good or satisfactory way. in good health; free or recovered from illness. a pool fed by a spring. intimately; closely.
2. Valley...a low point or condition. an elongated depression between uplands.
I'm assured we were yanked out of Valley to flourish and thrive in the abundance of a intimate/close relationship with our Creator. His refreshing spring of wisdom, love, and faithfulness brought me out of the 3 year despair and loneliness cure for our son. I knew that wasn't where we were supposed to stay, but we were there for a purpose; and God knew it was time for change. I admit like in the earlier posts that we had been looking to move, but I was so fearful of change for our kiddo that it pretty much came to a halt. We were just looking in the wrong places at the time. We dreamed of all that we have now minus the acreage that I've said several times before...and it's not like we would utilize the acreage right now; you have to have the big boy toys in possession to tear up the land. ;)
Whew...about to get all caught with this one. I've been able to let the days go by without a blog post only because it's been peaceful, fulfilling, and well let's just say down right enjoying.
Nothing bigreally has went on except some of the water issues we were having has been taken care of except for the water pressure. LL is sending out a company this next week to look at the concrete work, basement windows, siding/facia that the storm decided to rip off, and the grade of the dirt around the house which is causing some leaking issues.

Koda has been playing like crazy everyday. We have an open door policy whether we like it or not; lil' neighbor boy comes in whenever he feels...I'll be having some boundaries classes and visual schedules set up soon. :) Had 1/2 the neighborhood kids over for popcorn and weekly shows I must watch like America's Got Talent and Battlebots.
Just getting settled in as the last of the boxes are being emptied, we joined in on the town festival #kansaswheatfestival to watch the parade. Our son came out with two KU shirts and cap...now that's a winner. Didn't really join in on the rest of the excitement just because the kiddo just doesn't do so well with all the loud noise, smells, and chaos...and this night just he just wasn't with his A game. Hubby got the trampoline and lighting in the shop up, and I got flowers hung along with the hummingbird feeders...making this house a home.
I will say I heard from one of my bestie's that she was in danger/trouble. After hearing her story it made me sick and concerned. I prayed but my husband wanted to do even more...go get her out of the possible additional circumstances that could arise from the situation she was in. She is two states away, and that blessed her heart and mine for him to be "ready to go" in a moment's call. How many friends really does one have that would do that? I will be honest and say I even questioned my friend list on that. No, not everyone can/could; but the ones whom are able...would they? She didn't make that call and to be honest; I'm glad it didn't come to that for her sake. She is away from her physical address, so it's a bit more nerve-wracking for everyone involved.
The hubby just left for his first shift as a driver...and I would appreciate prayers for him as he didn't sleep well today. I'm hoping these first 10 days of training go smoothly, are enjoyable, and that he doesn't get too bored especially if he doesn't get to "drive".
It's nice to have a blog post of "nothing" after all these weeks of "OMPancakes". We're settling into His plans ever so nicely. I'm so thankful He knows better than I, and that He yanks when we don't move when we're supposed to on our own. He's got it so perfected down to the curtains that I already had but never used...color fitting. The minor details to all of you are the most impactful ones to me. I can't believe how things are matching up from the decor, the landscaping, the distance to our most needed stores, cul-de-sac so the kiddo can safely play/ride his bike, etc. We find blessings everyday since we moved. Thank you so much for staying with me on my crazy journey. I look down to see what time it is...and there it is...He knows the plans He has for you. Just like us, you may not see it at all at first. It all looks like a disaster. I hope that through our last 30 day journey someone will gain hope in a God that is good, cares, loves, and will put you right where you need to be.
P.S....forgive the typos, grammar, etc...my eyes are going crossed. Good night! :)
1.Well...in a good or satisfactory way. in good health; free or recovered from illness. a pool fed by a spring. intimately; closely.
2. Valley...a low point or condition. an elongated depression between uplands.

Whew...about to get all caught with this one. I've been able to let the days go by without a blog post only because it's been peaceful, fulfilling, and well let's just say down right enjoying.
Nothing bigreally has went on except some of the water issues we were having has been taken care of except for the water pressure. LL is sending out a company this next week to look at the concrete work, basement windows, siding/facia that the storm decided to rip off, and the grade of the dirt around the house which is causing some leaking issues.

Just getting settled in as the last of the boxes are being emptied, we joined in on the town festival #kansaswheatfestival to watch the parade. Our son came out with two KU shirts and cap...now that's a winner. Didn't really join in on the rest of the excitement just because the kiddo just doesn't do so well with all the loud noise, smells, and chaos...and this night just he just wasn't with his A game. Hubby got the trampoline and lighting in the shop up, and I got flowers hung along with the hummingbird feeders...making this house a home.
I will say I heard from one of my bestie's that she was in danger/trouble. After hearing her story it made me sick and concerned. I prayed but my husband wanted to do even more...go get her out of the possible additional circumstances that could arise from the situation she was in. She is two states away, and that blessed her heart and mine for him to be "ready to go" in a moment's call. How many friends really does one have that would do that? I will be honest and say I even questioned my friend list on that. No, not everyone can/could; but the ones whom are able...would they? She didn't make that call and to be honest; I'm glad it didn't come to that for her sake. She is away from her physical address, so it's a bit more nerve-wracking for everyone involved.
The hubby just left for his first shift as a driver...and I would appreciate prayers for him as he didn't sleep well today. I'm hoping these first 10 days of training go smoothly, are enjoyable, and that he doesn't get too bored especially if he doesn't get to "drive".
It's nice to have a blog post of "nothing" after all these weeks of "OMPancakes". We're settling into His plans ever so nicely. I'm so thankful He knows better than I, and that He yanks when we don't move when we're supposed to on our own. He's got it so perfected down to the curtains that I already had but never used...color fitting. The minor details to all of you are the most impactful ones to me. I can't believe how things are matching up from the decor, the landscaping, the distance to our most needed stores, cul-de-sac so the kiddo can safely play/ride his bike, etc. We find blessings everyday since we moved. Thank you so much for staying with me on my crazy journey. I look down to see what time it is...and there it is...He knows the plans He has for you. Just like us, you may not see it at all at first. It all looks like a disaster. I hope that through our last 30 day journey someone will gain hope in a God that is good, cares, loves, and will put you right where you need to be.
P.S....forgive the typos, grammar, etc...my eyes are going crossed. Good night! :)
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Day 19: God will move you...(the adult monkey has lost his mind)
This particular post right here has taken me way to long to complete...and I'm not so sure it's going to get done. I'm starting from scratch because as I've tried to write for the last 24 hours...the previous draft post deleted itself twice, the font wouldn't sync up throughout, the pics wouldn't center, the links wouldn't work, the whole thing just made me slam the lid down this morning and walk away...so I'm here again trying to complete it. I'm thinking that I was trying to post two days worth of stuff into one post and I'm not supposed to do that; at least, not this one.
As if the craziness of all that has happened in the last 19 days wasn't enough...My only adult, responsible, mature monkey of the home (because I quit adulting a long time ago #adultingisoverrated) decides to come home and tell me; he changed jobs. What!?! Ok, do you all remember the financial struggle that I've been posting about? I don't think he reads these blogs after all...he just comments to support me because he's great at that. Anyway...yes, he starts a new job on Monday. Now let me clear this part up; he's staying with the same company (whew!). But here's the crazy...
It's incentive paid. Just typing those last three words made me stop push my glasses up and rub my eyes and take a very deep breath. This means that not only do we not ever get back the possibility of OT which is no longer coming in...his pay could be cut completely in half!
Listen, this man has been an excellent provider and always looking out for the best interest of our family. He has continued to the top of most pay scales out there for his profession. He makes over and beyond what he ever thought he could. He holds at a very high level the accomplishment for himself especially after the childhood he endured, the choices he made when dropping out of school, and the things told to him by the adults in his life. To many we are rich and to many more we are poor. It's all in perspective, attitude, and priorities. Again the reason I cover the financial part of our lives in these blogs (I'd rather not because it really can be embarrassing, humbling, and down right doesn't feel good) is because there's somebody reading that needs to feel known. Now with the bragging done...let me tell you about FEAR/SCARED TO DEATH "feelings" that I have. I trust him but I trust in God even more, so guess what he'll have 10 days of training and then goes out on his own as a driver then it'll be at least 14 more days before we know what that paycheck is gonna look like. Holding my breath, I'd be lying if I didn't admit this fear.
He could make even more than he's making now with all the OT he was putting in. He has no idea what he will be able to obtain from the beginning...it's a wait and see. I know him, and he's going to strive to bring the "best" home. Whatever happens we'll be just fine because if God brought us to it; He'll bring us through it, over it, under it...done! Can't wait to post about this favor, grace, mercy, and down right miracle. Remember the pay could be cut in half. Until then...please pray for me, lol seriously. My thoughts can tend to run as wild as my adult monkey did with his decisions. I feel like we're bringing in the turtles to do the lion acts...it's gonna take a miracle. Who's gonna hang on with me and keep me in prayer about this for the next month?
As if the craziness of all that has happened in the last 19 days wasn't enough...My only adult, responsible, mature monkey of the home (because I quit adulting a long time ago #adultingisoverrated) decides to come home and tell me; he changed jobs. What!?! Ok, do you all remember the financial struggle that I've been posting about? I don't think he reads these blogs after all...he just comments to support me because he's great at that. Anyway...yes, he starts a new job on Monday. Now let me clear this part up; he's staying with the same company (whew!). But here's the crazy...

Listen, this man has been an excellent provider and always looking out for the best interest of our family. He has continued to the top of most pay scales out there for his profession. He makes over and beyond what he ever thought he could. He holds at a very high level the accomplishment for himself especially after the childhood he endured, the choices he made when dropping out of school, and the things told to him by the adults in his life. To many we are rich and to many more we are poor. It's all in perspective, attitude, and priorities. Again the reason I cover the financial part of our lives in these blogs (I'd rather not because it really can be embarrassing, humbling, and down right doesn't feel good) is because there's somebody reading that needs to feel known. Now with the bragging done...let me tell you about FEAR/SCARED TO DEATH "feelings" that I have. I trust him but I trust in God even more, so guess what he'll have 10 days of training and then goes out on his own as a driver then it'll be at least 14 more days before we know what that paycheck is gonna look like. Holding my breath, I'd be lying if I didn't admit this fear.
Really, right now we have to throw this into the loop of circus events??? Would you wanna kill him? Is this even ok? Yes, because if he didn't; he would've walked out of his position all together (We CANNOT have that)....and rightfully so. I won't go into the details of what's going on there at work because well it benefits no one and something I might say publicly could be taken wrong... I wouldn't want to jeopardize his employment. This company has been awesome to work for all the way around; it's just that the management that brought him in from KC is now gone. Now...here's the positive news:

Watch those turtles roar!
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Day 15-18 God will move you...(Moving Days)

Day 15: We got Ozzy back (catch up link for this story click here)!
Day 16: Moving Day...we were blessed by two coworkers of the hubby's who showed up after working all night to help us move with their trucks & trailers. I was the first load out, so I was hauling the Uhaul trailer. Can I tell you how sick to stomach I got? Ugh...the trailer was so perfectly packed and every inch utilized (my hubby is a pro at stacking, etc) that the weight caused me to max out speed at 40mph. If I went over that, the trailer would fish tail all over the place, and to not help matters...it was pouring down rain. I was a nervous wreck! I called hubby right after I got on the highway; almost expecting him to rescue me from completing this mission for him to tell me to just slow down to what I felt comfortable with. Ugh! I don't think I've ever went below speed limit before; and to be at the minimum...I was a bit humiliated but that didn't last long. Koda and I enjoyed singing and viewing the scenery thru the wiper blades going full blast. Mr K got right out there after his bike had arrived to explore our cul-de-sac. First night in the house was really nice!
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#nogirlslivehere Neighbor girl's roller skates! |
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Inclusion |
Our son attends a special camp for kids with all ranges of diagnosis' so for one, he can have some type of peer interaction but also so us parents can have some type of respite or daycare. We parents cannot keep ourselves afloat if we are at the constant need of our deserving kids. Even atypical parents need breaks, time to date a spouse, time to self, etc. So please don't throw out judgmental thoughts when I say I need respite even tho I'm a stay at home mom...it's because of that (stay at home) that I need it. There's no breaks.
Here's the beautiful thing though...18 days ago we were distraught not knowing what the future would hold for us or him. We had to move without a choice, and I said watch and see God make a way. He made provisions within 13 days, and despite that I was scared of those. The way was still so uncertain when it comes to having a child with special needs. Transition is hard for him and us. We left a county that all his benefits ran through for HBCS (Home Based Community Services). What we're we going to do with him if the next county doesn't have such services like we were getting at Rainbows? Camp for summer and weekend respite...I'm going to go crazy without it!
The first picture with the book...is one that I found while unpacking. This special gift was sent to me by a dear friend Avayd when we left KC about this time 3 years ago to live in Valley Center for hubby's new job. I find it not a coincidence that it just happened to grab my attention yet again today. A re-read might just be in my plans. By the way, this house couldn't be anymore "me" as it has built in bookshelves for my library, built in china cabinet for my willow tree collection, etc. #itsthelittlethings #finallyhappyagain I'm going to continue out this 30 days of God will move you because somehow I just don't think He's done yet. :) Hope you all had a safe and wonderful 4th of July.
Simply LOLA
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