Friday, August 30, 2013

Fickle Feelings Friday

On a journey of emotions...when I was given the word "prepare" at the end of 2012 then again on the first day of the year "new";both from Scriptures; I didn't know how much I was really going to have to prepare for. Now just a bit of a list that would state some of the obvious new and in need of preparation; would be...

  1. How to handle a major school district's multiple irresponsible actions
  2. Deciding on a new study for the women's group to not only build relationships by communication but also sound biblical doctrine for maturity/growth.
  3. Studying the story of Gideon (sometimes you really must look at each word and ask God what it means for you :) Quite the discovery of who you are in Him and the power of prayer).
  4. Deciding to take a new job
  5. Deciding to move/where to move and all the financial stuff that goes with that.
  6. Trusting God in it all
  7. Deciding to home school or return to a traditional classroom
  8. Deciding on pet placements
  9. Deciding on attitudes (now can I just say this is a daily, minute by minute prep and choice), I'd rather make it easy; blame and remove myself from the situation.
  10. Deciding that some things really are out of my control and until I really am suppose to do something about it; enjoying my life.
  11. Allowing time to honestly grieve, but then to have the courage to trust God that He has great plans for me.

Isa. 43:18-19 says, "Do not call the mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert."

Isa. 38:12 says, "Like a shepherd's tent my dwelling is pulled up and removed from me."

Jer. 29:11 says, "For I know the plans that I have for give you a future and a hope."

Deut. 31:8 says, "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you, He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

For each of the seasons' in which I have changed either location, position, etc I have learned from each of them a fabulous skill, acquired a tool, made a lasting relationship, or learned a "big" lesson. So, I cannot be upset for when it seems that I have walked 5 steps and fell back 3...I still have "GAINED" 2 steps.

Today's fickle feelings are my reality for only a moment to be gone with tomorrow's storm; choosing to set it aside so I can smell the roses that are in bloom today.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Twisted Tuesday

I'm just not sure how in a moment a life can change so dramatically. Mine is under a bit of chaos all by one phone call. I can't go into details now, but I pray that some clarity and peace that surpasses all understanding becomes an atmosphere for our family soon.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Mounds

The laundry is in mounds but at least separated. Now that our home school day is done and I'm feeling successful today; on to the house work. The hubby texts and states I need to go get him some meds because he isn't feeling so good. :( Sore throat, cough...yuck; we don't need that right now especially when it's summer and no insurance until the new benefits start in December. We had a confirmation that we will be traveling to El Dorado for church every Sunday...I am asking God for clarification on that. I always do unfortunately I don't just "trust" anything/one. I do know one thing when my husband tells me to write out the tithe check when we're in the middle of service, there's something very spiritual going on with him and God; and that I do trust. :) I love being married to a man whom tries so hard to let God lead in every area. For that I am giving mounds of thanks. Blessings!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Fantastic Friday

After a move to a new place in a new town, and waiting anxiously for that first paycheck...the day has arrived. Going from a weekly budget to a new bi-weekly one is going to not only take a bit of time to adjust too; it will, challenge us to save it for more than 7 days. :) Yeah, no one ever said we were financial experts, but I've learned one fantastic thing...God always always always provides when we are faithful to put Him first including with our finances.

The hubby just text me with the amount he's depositing today...and WOW; is all I can say! :D Thank you God for always being faithful, and Thank you for allowing my husband to desire a wife whom stays home to put her God and family first. Today home school was a much better day...I'm looking forward to the rest of what God does for us today; stop and smell the flowers today :D

Home school works best too if the first subject of the day is God. Have a Fantastic Friday!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thriving Thursday

...I wish that was really the truth. It should say Truth Thursday as the title. I only wondered about "starting" a blog on Wednesday...sorry :(

With that said we tackled the first day of home school today, but without all the curriculum, well; failed. Koda doesn't realize it was a "non-successful" day at school. So, have I again really gotten myself in too deep? When I printed out the lesson (because I'm still one of those that must have a book in hand and the ability to write and highlight), I about died at the length of only one lesson. I CAN'T DO THIS!!!!

I'm sure my tone, emotions, and thoughts will change around; but, when???? Soon, I hope. For those of you whom believe in the power of prayer...I need them NOW!!! Happy Days!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Trusting Tuesday

First Day of Trusting definitely was in my mind today as we started home school today. We made a trip to Andover eCademy (yes, spelling is correct) to get orientation on the technological stuff and let Koda get in some socializing with other home schooled students. Their theme today was the awesome Caribbean: they made flip flops, passports, and sea life. Koda was a jelly fish. I also attended a funeral for a dear friend's mother whom passed away this week. I must say this home school thing is not something new for us, but it's been a year; and I have to trust God that He will help all of us through. :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Merciful Monday

Well, not sure what has happened re: losing time blogging but I'm blessed by God whom is full of Mercy. I'm back. Boy, do I have some catching up to do. If you don't already know, I've got a magnificent story of direction, grace, and about the study of Gideon. Please stay tuned; while I get back into the swing of things. I'm in a new location, new house, new neighborhood, new mindset, new occupation, and a new hope as I'm looking for a new church.

~Live Out Loud Authentically