Tuesday, September 22, 2009


the hearts, souls, lives, interests, history, genetic features, careers, kids, food recipes, and forgiveness if needed! I embraced the time I took to step back and look at this family that only got together at funerals if that; everyone so amazing, so filled with stories of interest, ready to hug and forgive at the drop of a hat, seeing the kids of generations past all grown up with kids of their own. It was a precious priceless picture that the Typer Family Reunion 2009 @ Riverfront Park, Iola, KS. I am married into this beautiful family, and felt the pain and distance that all of them so desired to shorten and heal; and am blessed to be part of it all.

I met some wonderful souls.........the twins are about the best! We really enjoyed our moment of sick humor with the tens machine; Devon you will forever be a legendary picture of a jerk :oP. Rachel's laugh and jump at a mouse is unforgettable. Tho this blog means nothing really to the public of readers..........it's a written picture of the history. Not one that our memories will always hold on to, but now it's forever written to review when the memories fade. Memories do fade though we all treasure holding on to them, but I have found that a written picture can bring a tear 50 years later that no memory can. Thank you all for allowing me to be part of your family.

Our trip down gave me a sky view picture of peace as three different airplanes crossed paths and left me a visual of The Cross! I knew our trip would be that of Godly nature..........and I have to tell you that the serenity of the late night stars while I'm embracing the jets of hot water massaging my body in the darkness of the night was amazing! Thank you Marilyn for such a beautiful experience.

Every family has skeletons in the closet or secrets that have never been told............we all have them; they have hurt, confused, damaged, distorted, burdened, weighed heavy upon each of us all in different ways. When God is in the picture though; such darkness cannot be held that way.........He always brings it to light whether we like it or not. I like it when such darkness is exposed, it's then that Jesus' blood can wash it all white and reunions of forgiveness can start. Hearts will continue to need mended, but maybe the seeds that were planted ( I pray) will grow the threads needed to grab the needle to begin the sewing........color doesn't matter, and the needle can hurt; but the stitching is a beautiful piece of work when completed by God's Hand.

as we all left the park that day.........a pack to reunite again soon began with a date of June 12, 2010 which means the sewing is healing by determination to build this family instead of letting it deteriorate by the eating of moths in a hidden closet...................Rebuild, Rejuvenate, Relax, Reason, Repent, Remember the reunion of Typer purpose!

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