I can only hope you find Truth for yourself through my pilgrimage. This site consists of the transformational stories, adventures, and stepping stones in my life. A true diary of love, heartache, accomplishments, failures, faith, hope, patience, marriage, parenting, concerns, and just life in general.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Offline for a while........
there will be no blogs for awhile; I'll be offline for a while. As a new season of Autumn falls in our laps......enjoy the beautiful portrait God has created for us to enjoy!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
the hearts, souls, lives, interests, history, genetic features, careers, kids, food recipes, and forgiveness if needed! I embraced the time I took to step back and look at this family that only got together at funerals if that; everyone so amazing, so filled with stories of interest, ready to hug and forgive at the drop of a hat, seeing the kids of generations past all grown up with kids of their own. It was a precious priceless picture that the Typer Family Reunion 2009 @ Riverfront Park, Iola, KS. I am married into this beautiful family, and felt the pain and distance that all of them so desired to shorten and heal; and am blessed to be part of it all.
I met some wonderful souls.........the twins are about the best! We really enjoyed our moment of sick humor with the tens machine; Devon you will forever be a legendary picture of a jerk :oP. Rachel's laugh and jump at a mouse is unforgettable. Tho this blog means nothing really to the public of readers..........it's a written picture of the history. Not one that our memories will always hold on to, but now it's forever written to review when the memories fade. Memories do fade though we all treasure holding on to them, but I have found that a written picture can bring a tear 50 years later that no memory can. Thank you all for allowing me to be part of your family.
Our trip down gave me a sky view picture of peace as three different airplanes crossed paths and left me a visual of The Cross! I knew our trip would be that of Godly nature..........and I have to tell you that the serenity of the late night stars while I'm embracing the jets of hot water massaging my body in the darkness of the night was amazing! Thank you Marilyn for such a beautiful experience.
Every family has skeletons in the closet or secrets that have never been told............we all have them; they have hurt, confused, damaged, distorted, burdened, weighed heavy upon each of us all in different ways. When God is in the picture though; such darkness cannot be held that way.........He always brings it to light whether we like it or not. I like it when such darkness is exposed, it's then that Jesus' blood can wash it all white and reunions of forgiveness can start. Hearts will continue to need mended, but maybe the seeds that were planted ( I pray) will grow the threads needed to grab the needle to begin the sewing........color doesn't matter, and the needle can hurt; but the stitching is a beautiful piece of work when completed by God's Hand.
as we all left the park that day.........a pack to reunite again soon began with a date of June 12, 2010 which means the sewing is healing by determination to build this family instead of letting it deteriorate by the eating of moths in a hidden closet...................Rebuild, Rejuvenate, Relax, Reason, Repent, Remember the reunion of Typer purpose!
I met some wonderful souls.........the twins are about the best! We really enjoyed our moment of sick humor with the tens machine; Devon you will forever be a legendary picture of a jerk :oP. Rachel's laugh and jump at a mouse is unforgettable. Tho this blog means nothing really to the public of readers..........it's a written picture of the history. Not one that our memories will always hold on to, but now it's forever written to review when the memories fade. Memories do fade though we all treasure holding on to them, but I have found that a written picture can bring a tear 50 years later that no memory can. Thank you all for allowing me to be part of your family.
Our trip down gave me a sky view picture of peace as three different airplanes crossed paths and left me a visual of The Cross! I knew our trip would be that of Godly nature..........and I have to tell you that the serenity of the late night stars while I'm embracing the jets of hot water massaging my body in the darkness of the night was amazing! Thank you Marilyn for such a beautiful experience.
Every family has skeletons in the closet or secrets that have never been told............we all have them; they have hurt, confused, damaged, distorted, burdened, weighed heavy upon each of us all in different ways. When God is in the picture though; such darkness cannot be held that way.........He always brings it to light whether we like it or not. I like it when such darkness is exposed, it's then that Jesus' blood can wash it all white and reunions of forgiveness can start. Hearts will continue to need mended, but maybe the seeds that were planted ( I pray) will grow the threads needed to grab the needle to begin the sewing........color doesn't matter, and the needle can hurt; but the stitching is a beautiful piece of work when completed by God's Hand.
as we all left the park that day.........a pack to reunite again soon began with a date of June 12, 2010 which means the sewing is healing by determination to build this family instead of letting it deteriorate by the eating of moths in a hidden closet...................Rebuild, Rejuvenate, Relax, Reason, Repent, Remember the reunion of Typer purpose!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Why am I being stopped...........
with migraines, sick kids, full calendars, house chores, taxi service, wifely duties, and whatever else that can and should be named. I cannot find the time nor the thought process even to write anything lately! Overwhelmed by the need to make sure this NF event kicks off successfully has really worn me down. I got approval for surgery though and that brings light to the end of the "fat"........so maybe I'll have the energy to run with the NF Endurance team and do marathons someday soon! I miss blogging, it is my stress reliever! Better than any medication I have ever found. Since I quit smoking......letting the fingers run across the keyboard helps ward off those cravings that are getting farther and fewer between. I've been smoke free since August 16th. I have also lost some weight since then as well.....not to bad I don't guess....as I really would like to use food as my replacement. Well the headache is becoming too overwhelming again.....looking at the computer screen, so until I can type again; much living, laughter and love........it's because I am filling my life with such!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
unfortunately I don't have time to write anything due to another ER visit, but now for my grandma. I'm not sure when I'll be back to blogging again; another season to learn I guess. Hope all is well, and back to school we go to learn our alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors! Koda still hasn't got to go back to school yet, we'll see in the morning?????
Friday, September 4, 2009
Not as planned..............
due to an emergancy room visit last night w/ Koda to Children's Mercy with the "Bark" of croup. I can't type too much today due to the need to keep him calm. He is continuing to bark and the steam just isn't cutting it. He does much better when it's bitter cold. Too short and heavy to hang out in the freezer :o(. My focus is on him today, so everyone have a very happy and enjoyable Holiday weekend! .............God wants me to sit and listen instead of talk! Hoping to share answers with everyone soon.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Food Journal Blog
If you are interested, I am starting a new blog today for food issues, weight loss, a journey to surgery and post, etc. http://www.free-conscience.blogspot.com/ if you would like to follow.
Just in a moment.............
.....the story is published, and then gone before the eyes of readers the next day. http://www.shawneedispatch.com/news/2009/sep/02/raising-awareness-family-spreads-word-about-neurof/
...the microwave goes out, and Holly has to use the stove to heat something up, wow that's a new experience. .....Koda gets a fever and sounds like the croup, then ohhh he's fine but quite and still before the TV. .......that haunting voice telling me I need a cigarette and then it's gone. .......that still small voice of God is talking to me and then I'm distracted by busyness and ignore it. .......then I realize that moments are only here for that moment; to be cherished and not taken for granted. The choices we make in those moments could be life or death, could be victory or defeat, could be happiness or sorrow, could be passed or failed, could be energy or fatigue, could be gain a pound or lose one, could be heaven or hell, could be accepted or rejected, could be freedom or slavery, could be bright or gloomy, or it could be just the moment God gave to you to take, live in, and find the passion of Him. How do you choose to use your moments?
I choose me for once! There has been a time in my life with a lot of moments where I have lost the moments in life trying to please everyone else, trying to be what I thought everyone wanted me to be, trying, trying, trying only to find out that even though those moments brought me to where I am today; they were wasted moments in the sense of accomplishing what should have been. I'm like everyone else, just going through this life, wandering around aimlessly trying to find my place and purpose. I got caught up in the the running of life as most know it. Everyone running everywhere to get somewhere to only either sit and wait for the next thing, or to hurry to get to the next place so they could get back home to start it all over again. What's the point? Moments........we only have so many with our families, friends, and acquaintences on this earth and I choose not to waste mine anymore. So, I'm sharing my moments with whomever wants to listen.
I always use to say, wait a moment, in a moment, we will do it later, hold on, maybe tomorrow, can you wait, etc.......none of us have another moment to waste; take a moment to think about what is the most beneficial in your moment. Thinking sometimes can bring the best moments in life.
In this moment, I need to find a position in life that makes me some money to help my husband pay the bills necessary to live life on this earth as we know it. In this moment, I choose to enjoy watching cartoons with my son that isn't feeling so well today, he loves my time. In this moment, I am needing to do a daily food intake log.......and I think I'll build a new blog instead of hold it to myself; it just might help someone else. In this moment, I am so thankful for such an awesome husband that goes over and beyond all the time. In this moment, I am desiring to write a book........what do I do with this moment? Look and see if I can find something that will help me fulfill that desire? Do you know how I would go about doing this? See, not a wasted moment now if someone actually responds to my question. I didn't waste it as a thought. In this moment, I am sharing my life with yours. How you choose to use your moment in this.........is for you to decide.
I spent many of my moments in the bed of depression. I really couldn't get up, get out, or even see anyway out. I believe there is an evil one that likes to keep trying to tell me that I'm still there........what's the use, give up, just forget it, you can't make a difference, people are just going to laugh at you, you will never be anything, you deserve this, nobody even likes you, your husband doesn't even want to be around you, etc.....moments that I decide not to listen to anymore. I choose me! I choose life! I choose to be a positive influence in this life if nothing else to myself.
If I don't get the word out about NF here in KC, is anyone else; well that's not for me to decide, but I am using my moments. If I don't then I may be helping shorten Koda's moments; and I don't want to be helping Death. If I don't take a moment to share about Jesus, then I have wasted a moment that He gave me. That's not very good accountability with time is it. My hope is in Him, and I have found these moments to be from Him; so I want to say that because of Him............I have found life!
...the microwave goes out, and Holly has to use the stove to heat something up, wow that's a new experience. .....Koda gets a fever and sounds like the croup, then ohhh he's fine but quite and still before the TV. .......that haunting voice telling me I need a cigarette and then it's gone. .......that still small voice of God is talking to me and then I'm distracted by busyness and ignore it. .......then I realize that moments are only here for that moment; to be cherished and not taken for granted. The choices we make in those moments could be life or death, could be victory or defeat, could be happiness or sorrow, could be passed or failed, could be energy or fatigue, could be gain a pound or lose one, could be heaven or hell, could be accepted or rejected, could be freedom or slavery, could be bright or gloomy, or it could be just the moment God gave to you to take, live in, and find the passion of Him. How do you choose to use your moments?
I choose me for once! There has been a time in my life with a lot of moments where I have lost the moments in life trying to please everyone else, trying to be what I thought everyone wanted me to be, trying, trying, trying only to find out that even though those moments brought me to where I am today; they were wasted moments in the sense of accomplishing what should have been. I'm like everyone else, just going through this life, wandering around aimlessly trying to find my place and purpose. I got caught up in the the running of life as most know it. Everyone running everywhere to get somewhere to only either sit and wait for the next thing, or to hurry to get to the next place so they could get back home to start it all over again. What's the point? Moments........we only have so many with our families, friends, and acquaintences on this earth and I choose not to waste mine anymore. So, I'm sharing my moments with whomever wants to listen.
I always use to say, wait a moment, in a moment, we will do it later, hold on, maybe tomorrow, can you wait, etc.......none of us have another moment to waste; take a moment to think about what is the most beneficial in your moment. Thinking sometimes can bring the best moments in life.
In this moment, I need to find a position in life that makes me some money to help my husband pay the bills necessary to live life on this earth as we know it. In this moment, I choose to enjoy watching cartoons with my son that isn't feeling so well today, he loves my time. In this moment, I am needing to do a daily food intake log.......and I think I'll build a new blog instead of hold it to myself; it just might help someone else. In this moment, I am so thankful for such an awesome husband that goes over and beyond all the time. In this moment, I am desiring to write a book........what do I do with this moment? Look and see if I can find something that will help me fulfill that desire? Do you know how I would go about doing this? See, not a wasted moment now if someone actually responds to my question. I didn't waste it as a thought. In this moment, I am sharing my life with yours. How you choose to use your moment in this.........is for you to decide.
I spent many of my moments in the bed of depression. I really couldn't get up, get out, or even see anyway out. I believe there is an evil one that likes to keep trying to tell me that I'm still there........what's the use, give up, just forget it, you can't make a difference, people are just going to laugh at you, you will never be anything, you deserve this, nobody even likes you, your husband doesn't even want to be around you, etc.....moments that I decide not to listen to anymore. I choose me! I choose life! I choose to be a positive influence in this life if nothing else to myself.
If I don't get the word out about NF here in KC, is anyone else; well that's not for me to decide, but I am using my moments. If I don't then I may be helping shorten Koda's moments; and I don't want to be helping Death. If I don't take a moment to share about Jesus, then I have wasted a moment that He gave me. That's not very good accountability with time is it. My hope is in Him, and I have found these moments to be from Him; so I want to say that because of Him............I have found life!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Complete craziness.............
Monkey see monkey do, right? Well Koda has decided to mock everything done and said........wow, what a way to hold accountability that I didn't nor anyone else asked for. God has humor, and I love how it works it into our lives.
I don't have any insight this morning because I can't get my mind to settle down enough to write anything productive, helpful, or thoughtful. I have laundry to do, homemade noodles to make, dishes from last night to do, plan the day accordingly as Koda and I both have doctors appointments today. Holly just emailed me from school and she's not feeling well along with an ingrown toenail that I can't get out.......it went too long and now it's really infected. Unfortunately she inherits that from my side of the family. Yuck!
I'm still smoke free, and that will continue to be a daily accomplishment and sometimes down to the minute. I'm mindlessly loosing weight just as the book said I would......it's great and I'm not even trying. Well I have more realization of what I'm doing since I have read the book. It's great and a very educational book in regards to our society; not the normal everyday need to diet and exercise book........you know eat less, move more strategy. Though we all need that reminder daily too. I haven't given up my chocolate or anything really.........it's great, and I blogged about the book before "Mindless Eating". Enough on that, now I'm hungry.
Ok, if I'm going to get anything done today I have to get all my computer stuff done and out of the way........then on to the house chores. Sorry nothing exciting, but I am praising God for another day, another breath, and another day to enjoy the blessings from Him. God bless and have a wonderful day!
Please disregard the craziness of the blogsite for now as I'm working (re-constructing) on it. I'm not so tech savvy when it comes to all this (backgrounds, etc.), thanks to Kristi first off for all her help already. You may check it one time and it'll be all crazy then the next time something else; so just enjoy the humor as I learn.
..............makes the tummy hurt with laughter! Lovin' no routine to life........just live it with joy!
I don't have any insight this morning because I can't get my mind to settle down enough to write anything productive, helpful, or thoughtful. I have laundry to do, homemade noodles to make, dishes from last night to do, plan the day accordingly as Koda and I both have doctors appointments today. Holly just emailed me from school and she's not feeling well along with an ingrown toenail that I can't get out.......it went too long and now it's really infected. Unfortunately she inherits that from my side of the family. Yuck!
I'm still smoke free, and that will continue to be a daily accomplishment and sometimes down to the minute. I'm mindlessly loosing weight just as the book said I would......it's great and I'm not even trying. Well I have more realization of what I'm doing since I have read the book. It's great and a very educational book in regards to our society; not the normal everyday need to diet and exercise book........you know eat less, move more strategy. Though we all need that reminder daily too. I haven't given up my chocolate or anything really.........it's great, and I blogged about the book before "Mindless Eating". Enough on that, now I'm hungry.
Ok, if I'm going to get anything done today I have to get all my computer stuff done and out of the way........then on to the house chores. Sorry nothing exciting, but I am praising God for another day, another breath, and another day to enjoy the blessings from Him. God bless and have a wonderful day!
Please disregard the craziness of the blogsite for now as I'm working (re-constructing) on it. I'm not so tech savvy when it comes to all this (backgrounds, etc.), thanks to Kristi first off for all her help already. You may check it one time and it'll be all crazy then the next time something else; so just enjoy the humor as I learn.
..............makes the tummy hurt with laughter! Lovin' no routine to life........just live it with joy!
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