Noah looked really ridiculous building that ark. Thankfully Jesus' could've got down off that cross, but didn't...He was so mocked. Peter stepped out of a boat & walked on water too. Ruth after loosing her husband & father-in-law followed her mother-in-law away from all she had known. Who follows their mother-in-law especially after the husband that connects you dies? That's just nuts! Ohh and let's not forget the widow that was told to go borrow empty vessels from her neighbors to pour her "hardly any left" oil into them & it kept filling until all the vessels were full. At least she was like I would be...send the kids after them. There's always Joshua too that marched around a city for 7 days then yelled to make a wall fall down. Ridiculous! Over and over there's stories of a small amount like 2 loves and 5 fish feeding thousands with leftovers. I wouldn't believe it unless I was there either, cuz that is just CRAZY! There is so many more crazy requests God asked of people to do in obedience to Him. It was never really for themselves, but for others whom might hear, see, or for nothing more that testing of faithfulness.
Here's how it kinda happens for me...2 Kings 9. Verse 3 "Take this flask of oil, and pour it on his head..." Yep, just go show up at someone's place & dump some oil on their head while declaring what God has told you to do/say. Who would do it? I did. Maybe I'm crazy, but I have some heros, ancestors, and written confirmations that I'm part of such a family. Even in this...I'm not alone. But first...let me give you some back story.
April 10, 2018 was the day I posted I was going off social media for the last 50 of 150 day silent project I felt called to do from the beginning of the year. I just knew when I felt lead to do this, that something must be coming that would need my full attention. Sure, like in my last blog post I had a book to write, I had another project to work on in regards to the 100 women & their answers/stories they had submitted to me, but there was something else. I was almost assured I'd be touching on the "#mountup" word/phrase for the year that I've been discussing since the end of last year. Why would God ask me to get off social media, I had a business to run & I ran it through social media, internet, etc. Here's a small dialog of my conversation with God.
I said, "God you know I have a money story (that's a whole series/book in itself) & this request takes away from me working. If I don't work, I don't eat...Your Word says so in 2 Thessalonians 3:10." A quick response of a voice deep within me, said...TRUST. "God, I'm tired of always trusting in this area, I'm pretty stinking sick of it actually. This area causes me more grief and depressed days than any other. I have had no other choice but to trust You. You have allowed my supports to be taken away so that I have no care whatsoever for K, so I can work outside the home to help supply for our family. Rick shouldn't have to carry all the load, and for a matters of fact Your Word says I can ask, and shall receive too...what about that?"
Oh yes, I have these very conversations to the point & sassy just as I am with any of you reading now that know me. He knows every fine detail about me, why would I try and fake who I am, who He made me when I talk with Him. If anyone can handle my "some say disrespectful attitude & approach to God" He can. He loves me despite all that...and if He wants me to change, let me promise you this...He will allow me to go through some stuff so I do. He is Sovereign to me & I won't try to fake or cover up my "real" with Him.
So, the following Friday after going offline I went to bed, only to be awaken with an intense sense of an acquaintance flooding my mind that I had met a couple times at a church we went to in the past. I didn't know any of the stuff she was enduring at that moment, but when I get awaken like that...I always pray. While in prayer for this lady...I had a strong clear direction "shave your hair off for her & go anoint her". "What? My hair...NO! Are you crazy, why would shaving my hair off need to be done?" I was quite disturbed, but had fell back to sleep after praying. I couldn't get this off my mind the entire weekend. Saturday came & went with the thoughts popping up several times throughout the day, but I hadn't said a word to anyone about this. Why shave my head? Sunday came...and mid-morning I couldn't stand the pressure & stirring in my spirit; heavy, it was heavy. I went to the garage where my husband was...and I looked at him...he said, "What?"
I said, I got woke up Friday night to pray for Mary Roberts' & that I need to go anoint her. Hubby with a quick response said, "You know, you better do what you're lead to do. Ohh and by the way, Gene (her husband) had just posted on FB that he shaved his head because she had lost her hair & started chemo." I cried...NO!!! Hubby so confused, "what?????" I said, I was told to do it too (shave my head for her). I said, "Why did you have to just confirm that?" He just looked at me, LOL. I said, "I don't even know her, I don't have a phone #, and I'm not on social media to get ahold of her to see if she'll even allow me to come." I asked Rick if he had contact info still, and he did (of course he did)...if nothing more message thru FB. He sent the message. Hours went by, and Galatians 6:2 just kept overwhelming me as I walked up to Rick later that afternoon & said...I can't stand it anymore...shave it! Just as I said it, Rick's phone went off with a message from Gene that we could come.
OHHHH Lord what are you doing?!! I don't know her & she doesn't know me...God did NOT care.
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I cried, I just couldn't fathom what difference it would make, and I don't know that I'll ever know the impact. |
This couple is going to think I've lost my mind when I ask to pour (anoint) oil over her head & pray...boy, was I wrong. Cuz we're not talking about a dab of olive oil on the forehead. I'm talking pour frankincense until it runs like read about with it running down the beard of Aaron in Psalm 133:2. It was accepted with much love & that moment I will cherish forever. The Spirit was alive and moving beyond comprehension in their home. I loved that when I walked in...she saw me, and said "ohhh you got the same haircut I do." I wake daily now to look in the mirror and pray for her. Would you add Mary Roberts to your prayer list...thank you in advance.
What I do know now tho, is that you find out who you really are when you no longer have things that you used to make yourself up. I don't need hair to be me. I don't need hair to be beautiful, and for a matters of fact bald is beautiful. Bald is cheaper on the budget too. Boy, I can get ready in no time flat now. Showers are so much shorter, and the electricity is none for the blow dryer & curling irons.
But also...people pay attention, and this had given hope to another long distance friend that had seen me when I had come to town for a class. That friend called me up to share some of her God directed stories, and said she felt confident that at least I would understand. Boy, do I. Sometimes we need someone else to understand where we are coming from. It's a weird place to be, and you definitely stand out from the crowd, "I have never fit in". I may never know the real reasons why...but knowing I didn't disobey, and by obeying another friend found me trustworthy to speak to is enough for me.
Mary Roberts, you are no longer just an acquaintance! Our paths crossed for much more than my craziness. Much love & prayers of complete healing! Gene is pretty darn special too! Hugs!
Until next time, Release & Believe!