No, this time I'm not talking about the kiddo. This time it's my internal chatterbox blasting lies, shame, and ideas of hopelessness about my current situation. I was given a critical review today over a project I've been working on that is due to release at the end of May. I have no one to talk to about it except God, hubby, and the dogs because I've been instructed by the Lord to keep several things going on in my life quiet for 150 days (started Jan 1, 2018). Yes, I know it's a weird number...and what's 150 days got to do with it? I had to ask for myself, "Lord, if I don't find it in your Word (Bible) then I'm going to dismiss it." Sure enough Noah's Ark was afloat & the earth was completely flooded for that 150 days. You can read that for yourself here. Genesis 7:24 "And the waters prevailed on earth one hundred and fifty days." There you have it...Noah, didn't have anyone to talk to either except the animals, his family & God. I am.
That critical review was complete truth, but that didn't make it any more emotionally distraught to hear it. Truth is hard! It listed all the things I had done wrong. It had pointed out things that could be changed that I thought was good. It came with a written voice like a teacher with the red pen checking every point, and there was NO smiley faces. took me back to elementary education. It's clear I had some red marks back then, huh? Which all of that says "Yvonne, you did bad, you are bad, and it's pointless!" Anybody else? I wanted to quit tonight for a half a second...then I remembered. I have tools in my toolbox for this. These are lies from the pits of hell. I can do this, I will show them, and even if I don't complete it...guess what? I learned some things, I am better for it, and it'll help someone later. I have found that most of the experiences I've been through is so I can better relate & help someone else later. I will continue to try at least thru the 150 days. What are my tools??
Thankfully I had recently finished a book called Crash The Chatterbox: Hearing God's voice above all others. In the book there's a part where the author asks "What great deeds are in danger of remaining undone in your life because of lies that were planted in your past or fears that are looming in your future?" This is almost the exact sentence I use in my practice.
My other way of shutting up the chatter is to process it thru aromas. What?! Yes, it's called aroma freedom technique. You know how you smell pie & it reminds you of grandma's house...that's how this works. It's a simple 12 step process that I fell in love with because I was able to process stuff I didn't even know I was holding on to. I was able to process in 30 mins what I couldn't touch in typical counseling for 3 years. I loved the simplicity of it so much that I went and got my certification in the technique. From my pains, my business was born. The relationships I've built from this practice are so humbling, the beautiful testimonies on the website, and reviews on my Facebook & Instagram business pages called Release & Believe. Why did I call my business name that? It's biblical personal to me in regards to releasing my all to God, believing in Him, but it also names the last two oils needed for the aroma session. My pain was turned into a passion & it gave me purpose. What more could I ask for? God has turned ashes to beauty...and I get to watch and partake others in healing.
So if you're overwhelmed, stressed out, and can't begin to shut off the chatter...let me give you a 60 second technique that you can do for yourself. You will need 3 oils; Stress Away, Frankincense, and Lavender. 1 drop each in the less dominant hand, rub counterclockwise with dominant hand...then inhale. That's it. Watch what happens. It's amazing! No it won't do a complete clearing & transformation like an entire session, but it will get you over the hump. It's a simple self-care.
You can get those needed 3 oils under products here, but if you'd like to how to save more money on those products...comment below, email me, come talk to me on social media on the links above, or contact me here.
Update: as soon as I posted this I got a message from my red check mark critical review: I'll be sure to go to bed smiling now! Don't give up!
**Notice: This blog contains some affiliate links

I can only hope you find Truth for yourself through my pilgrimage. This site consists of the transformational stories, adventures, and stepping stones in my life. A true diary of love, heartache, accomplishments, failures, faith, hope, patience, marriage, parenting, concerns, and just life in general.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
When I can't get the chatterbox to shut up!
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