Friday, January 4, 2013

Lightening flash gone 2012

Well that's exactly what happened to this girl; I wrote the blog for '11 and then in a flash '12 was gone & '13 is here...ohhh and '13 comes in with a big ol' bang! Bring on the word "Prepare". This is a word only I can understand at this point. I'm thanking God it was a word given to me before the year ended so I was already preparing for anything to come. Stand firm with full armor on with only the strength of something stonger than me though is only that will get me through regardless if it's going to be all positive or negative.

This I will say...broken as I have been...I've been mended. Perfectly done...nope, and I've found that there is value in the the things that aren't so perfect looking or beautifully illustrated by the painter's hand. Art, Value, is each our own descriptive perception of it. One man's trash is another man's treasure...and that is fact my friend.

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