...even though it seems like it should at least for a little while, right? Especially when we have just been hit with another or maybe just the first "diagnosis, lay-off, let go, you're pregnant, just got engaged, got a job, a birth, now homeless, a graduation, promotion, or death is knocking". Just for a moment don't we want just one person to stop for a moment; embrace us & let us know that we're known. We just want someone to acknowledge we exist, our words matter, and we are loved by someone.
Do you see/hear the pain or the excitement in that co-worker, neighbor, spouse, homeless on the corner, family member, friend or acquaintance; or are we all just a little too busy with what's going on with us? I had a YIPPEE, Praise the Lord moment today because I have a family member with an incurable cancer & she got good news today. No, it wasn't that a cure had been found, but that this cancer has not reduced her living. I appreciated that phone call; first that she took the time just to call me right out of the doctor's visit, and second that she felt able to share. I have known times in my life when there wasn't anyone to share my celebrations or sadness with. Thank God that I know that there is a purpose to my life outside of myself.
The struggles of everyday life sometimes gets us so caught up that the days fly by, and I ask, "where did last month go"? Another friend of mine took the time to share a quote with me, thank you friend! The quote is: "I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it." Maya Angelou Ohhh believe me, not in my own power did I agree with this quote, but by the Grace of God! Life has thrown me a few struggles that many have no clue, and will never know unless walked in my shoes. God forbid! I use to think, if anyone ever knew the "real me"...I would never be accepted or loved. I was wrong! The relationships that have recently came to be in my life are the healthiest of friendships, support, and love that I have ever seen. I have also found that the toughest of friendships have been the best teacher yet.
May you have some grace & be humbled enough to take the time to listen, so when someone else' life stops for a moment you may be the only listening ear, caring hand, loving hug. Life doesn't stop, so lets' all not take advantage of the life we've been given.
Yvonne ~ You are so good at seeing what is truly important and not being sidetracked with the fluff of life.