Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dark cloud................

There's been a dark cloud around us for awhile lately and I've not been writing. I don't know when I will be back into the groove of things again to blog. Too many deaths and diagnosis' happening that are very close to our family. Please keep the families of these people listed as they have either been promoted to heaven, recently diagnosed with cancer, or have other tragic health issues:

Luke Wallace (Friend's 4 yr old boy w/ NF and found cancer cure in heaven )
Dave Downey ( Friend of family passed the day b4 yesterday due to blood clot to the brain while driving over to visit my uncle)
Issac Krebs (Friend's 3 yr old son found cancer cure in heaven) Feel free to visit this mom amazing journey with her son at www.caringbridge.org/visit/issackrebs
Gabe Putthoff (our Associate Pastor's 5 year old son who is facing his second round with cancer, and the issues that go along with it.) Feel free to visit his heroic story at www.caringbridge.org/visit/gabeputthoff
Darren Myers (tragic car accident last night; in trauma unit on respirator. multiple injuries, doesn't look good: my ex's nephew)
Marilyn Boyd ( my husband's aunt received the diagnosis of Carcinoid Syndrome which they have found the tumors and she is recovering from surgery then will undergo chemo for the one they couldn't get)
Betty (BJ) Rentschler (my mother-in-law has been in the hospital twice within the last 30 days with a horrible bladder infection, and other health issues and is still in the hospital as I type)
Phyllis Bancour (my cousin has been in the hospital and now is recovering from pneumonia but was also diagnosed with emphysema and interstitial lung disease.)

..........praying to find the smiles of sunshine and good news through the clouds!

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