(Quick update for those following our journey in regards to his skull that started back in November; feel free to read here if you haven't before. We have approval for the neurosurgeon, we don't have insurance approval for the plastic surgeon...how is this? Don't ask me! The insurance says it's not medically necessary. I don't call people stupid...but this is the stupidest/dumbest thing I have ever heard. For goodness sake, he's got a hole in his skull with a major vessel exposed. Whatever! They have drained me but they will not get me to quit. I'm guessing it is because we've met our deductible and they will have to cover it all. We are still just tentatively going to have surgery on April 21st. It's been a long time for this momma to wait. I want this over for his sake because he's concerned, and rightfully so.)
He's always had a great personality, but just like the commercial of the girl interviewing for the job...you got to have more than that. His personality, heart, and smile has definitely proven to be contagious if you can get thru the annoyances and quirkiness. It's hard to understand how someone can look so "ok" and so not be. On top of these diagnosis' he has a incurable genetic disorder that was by spontaneous mutation called Neurofibromatosis. If one struggle wasn't enough, when you build these together it's utter chaos. It's not his fault. It's not my fault. It's the cards we're dealt, and the journey that has taught me more than I could ever imagine.
This journey has put me on a path of research, and boy did I hate research papers in school. It's also been years of trial and error, with us still learning about him and ourselves every single day. I'll say some of the greatest discoveries have came thru an accident so to speak, or just flat tripped over it while walking it out. I've never been more thankful for a journey...not thankful he has suffered with all that he has, but what we've all learned from it.
The reason I title this post the way I did is because I really have never had a full week without him living life without prescriptions. Since February 2016 we've been on a quest to remove as many prescriptions as possible due to the abundance of side effects. You take one thing for a symptom, then you take another for the side effect of the first, and then you domino effect into a crash of chaos...that even the dr's can't help with because they don't know. When you are on (at one time over 20 prescriptions when he was on chemo) multiple prescriptions, no one has done studies of what happens when you do a combination of meds. They don't know the side effects of such recipes. His liver, stomach, esophagus, sleep, skin, and behaviors were all affected greatly. The chemicals in these prescriptions on top of the mix of them...was destroying him. We are not against prescriptions...we are against the over prescribing practices and band-aiding a condition without looking for the root.
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Busted! |
(ohhh gosh is supplements a journey in itself because these too have a horrible to great benefits. If you get a hold of an all chemical, cheap brand of supplements you are swallowing "nothing", and they don't absorb properly, hardly have any "whatever it is you need" in it, your body can't metabolize the type it is, etc. Just because it says magnesium...what kind of magnesium is it, and where did it come from?).