We have trees that line up along the privacy fence that separate us from the field behind our house. The trees have been full all summer, and autumn has arrived causing one of the trees in the middle to lose most of its' leaves already. When this happens, it means we loose many hours of daylight. I'm personally impacted by SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), so my time with the sun has been depleting daily. I can already feel the suction of the gloom that seems to be alive and hungry; ready to suck me fully in. This year I cannot allow that to happen, so I've been blessed by God's provision, grace, and mercy to have had lots of friends/family visit me, a new hobby of painting/antiquing, a new organic business that lines up with our dietary lifestyle (I'd love it if you would "like" my FB page). I'm also being proactive by setting up a life group to start in my home for women to connect, encourage, support and pray for each other while studying the bible together.

I believe this moment right now He has confirmed my steps, I am exactly where I am supposed to be, and as more leaves fall off...I will see even more that he has for me. See the full trees give shelter, protection, oxygen, and beauty all in themselves, but there comes a time for them to rest so they can be fruitful in the season in which they were created to be fruitful. If they were always full, we'd miss out on all the other we are to see. I know these words are also speaking right directly to someone and this too is confirmation for you; you are going to be ok, there is more out there for you, and He's got you! I love Him so!! Some will read this and think...I don't get it, that's okay too. It may not be for you right now or ever. But if it is, please let me know as these days do bring a shadow of gloom that can talk negatively in a whisper that says...I don't have anything to say that anyone needs. Thank you for the ones whom keep on following my journey, encourage me, and most of all check in on me when I'm silent (we all know something is wrong if I am). :)