Saturday, July 4, 2009


Puzzles! They cannot be called such if they had smooth edges or didn't challenge someone where each piece belongs. has a puzzle piece as it's logo, and life gives us times where we definitely want to know where we belong. We are each just a piece of a puzzle in God beautiful picture of creation. Each part of our lives is it's own piece as well. Total chaos in the journey of putting it all together, but boy when it's done........absolutely a perfect fit and beautiful picture.

So as new pieces are being discovered in my life, and trying to put them together..........I have found patience, peace, joy, contentment, empathy, understanding, faith, hope, love, and endurance to be a few of them. Though many times life is not the way I would want it; I do see where I have been challenged, tested, and pushed to make some decisions that effect every part of my life later. Consequences come from those choices whether good or bad. Some come as easy as slicing melted butter and some like an overweight person in very poor health trying to climb the tallest mountain; a struggle. That struggle though is what teaches us the most, not the easy stuff. Sometimes we forget to be thankful with the simple easy parts of life that we are allowed to experience. If nothing ever went wrong, what would be like.......I don't even want to know. Selfish for sure, as we already have that instinct within us. Greedy, uhmmmm that would be off the charts. What would we learn? Nothing!

I have started to write some segments of my life and hope to publish them for all to read. It has several series and/or parts. I'm not sure yet if it will be one big book or a several little ones........letting that just flow by the Grace of God. Pain of life and the journey where it has brought me. There is a lot of pain in this life and The Bible actually reflects on this. I find comfort in knowing that each pain only lasts a while. Thank God, He really doesn't give us more than we can handle........even though I question that when I'm in the midst of it. Puzzles; let's solve them!